While working with the portlet tag directly in the static layout in the text editor, notice that the portlet must already be registered in the portal configuration. 当在文本编辑器的静态布局中直接编辑portlet标签时,注意在门户配置中必须已经注册了portlet。
The same pattern has played out for templating systems: ways of representing static text as forms to be filled out, so that dynamic elements can be plugged in later. 同样的模式对模板系统却已经过时:表示静态文本的方式将像窗体一样被扩充,这样可以随后插入动态元素。
Instead, use a table for layout control to separate the static text from the fields. 在布局控制中,我们应该使用表将静态文本与字段分开。
Use a table instead of the tab key to separate the static text from the field 从字段中分离静态文本时,使用表而不是Tab键
Note that although you built the table using static text elements, you might alter the table data before it is inserted into the row. 注意,尽管我们是使用静态文本元素构建表格,不过可以在将表格数据插入行之前对其进行修改。
In this example, the template is static text, so the generated content is the same as the template ( for example,/ etc/ init.d/httpd start). 在这个示例中,模板是静态文本,所以生成的内容与模板相同(例如/etc/init.d/httpdstart)。
Templates contain static text, such as the name of the tag to be added, as well as variables. 模板包含了静态的文本,例如添加的标签的名字,以及变量。
However, it is often very useful to find static text on a Web page, for example, to verify the text appearing in an HTML table or document. 不过,查找Web页面上的静态文本通常非常有用,例如,用来验证HTML表或文档中显示的文本。
Label: static text Created: ( UILabel class). Label:创建的静态文本:(UILabel类)。
But in this trivial example, it is a static text. 但是,在这个简单的示例中,主体是静态文本。
Snail Bait does this by inserting the frame rate into otherwise static text at run time. SnailBait通过在运行时将帧速率插入其他静态文本中完成这一操作。
First, this article presents a simple Hello World widget with static text. 首先,本文给出了一个包含静态文本的样例HelloWorld小部件。
The static object can be a simple text file built by the script as it activates various parts of the run time environment, or as it analyzes each of the configuration files. 这个静态对象可以是脚本在激活运行时环境的各个部分时创建的简单文本文件,或者是在分析各个配置文件时构建的文本文件。
Label elements are used for displaying static text. 标签元素用来显示静态文本。
Control to display static text on the web forms page. 控件在web窗体页上显示静态文本。
Master pages allow you to create a consistent layout for all the pages in a site, and themes allow you to define a consistent look for controls and static text. 母版页使您可以为站点中的所有页创建一致的布局,而主题使您可以为控件和静态文本定义一致的外观。
And maybe you only want to display your static text if the viewer is on the first page of results, or you want to display different text for the other pages. 而且如果访客在结果的首页上,你可能只想显示静态文本,或者你想要为其它的网页显示不同的文本。
Static written text, speech text and dynamic text can be segmented. 文本分割的对象包括静态书面文本、语音文本以及动态文本等;
Web underwent static text without any ability of interact. Now it has flexible dynamic page and powerful interaction. Web从最初只有静态文本,没有任何交互能力到现在拥有灵活的动态页面和强大的交互功能。
In DTS, translation is no longer viewed as a static process of text transfer from the source language to the target language, but as a dynamic process combining many other factors, such as text purpose, sponsorship, readership, etc. 在描述翻译研究中,翻译不再被视为简单的由源语到目的语的文本转换的静态过程,而是一个涉及诸多因素的动态过程,这些因素囊括文本目的,赞助人,读者等等。
The technology of information issue based on network develops with the development of Internet too, from the initial static text, have developed into the present dynamic picture. 基于网络的信息发布技术也随着Internet的发展而发展,从最初的静态文本,发展到了目前的动态图像。
The studies of today no longer regard translation as a static terminal product, namely the target text, but a dynamic communicative process, which is inter-cultural. 现在的翻译研究不再将翻译看成是以文本形式出现的静态的终端产品,而是把翻译视为一种动态的跨文化交际过程。
Information hiding technology can hide secret information in the non-secret information ( such as audio, video, static graphics and text) thus people will have no sense with the change about the information hiding carrier. 信息隐藏技术是一门将秘密信息隐藏在非秘密信息(例如音频、视频、静止图像以及文本)当中,从而不引起人们对信息隐藏载体的感知的改变。
Knowledge base, which is based on static text, failed to meet the requirements of people and abundant of network information becomes a new source of knowledge base. 传统的静态文本已经不能满足人们不断增长的知识需求,丰富的Web信息成为了新的知识获取源。
Video data incorporates multi-modal features including audio, static images, text and motion features. 视频的特点是它具有多种特征,包括音频,静态图像,文字以及动作特征。
Traditional Internet is mainly about the static data ( text, image). And now, it is transforming into kind of synthesize information resources, which includes the matters of static and continuous media. 互联网正从一个静态数据内容(文本、图像)占主导地位的阶段快速地发展成为一个包含静态媒体内容和连续媒体内容的综合的信息资源库。
From character emoticon to cartoon emoticon, from the static text to dynamic images, QQ emoticon constantly improves its artistic and interest in all aspects. 从字符表情到卡通表情,从静态文本到动态图像,一路走来,QQ表情从各个方面不断提升自己的艺术性和趣味性。
The second, on the view of curriculum," curriculum is teaching event ". Curriculum is not static and closed text, but a open, dynamic and continuous generating event. 在课程观上,课程即教学事件,课程是开放的、动态的和不断生成的事件,不是静态而封闭的文本。
It uses a lot of means of expression and changes the static ( text, paintings, etc.) materials into dynamic, vivid, visual materials to expand teaching vision and breakthrough teaching difficulty. 同步配有音频、图片和视频等,表现手段多样有趣,将静态的(文字,挂画等)教材转变成生动的动态材料,扩大了教学视野和突破了教学难点。
The first part is human motion detection. It means that human motion area is segmented from static background area in this text. 第一部分是运动人体的检测,本文指将运动人体区域从图像当中的静态背景区域分离出来。